Floras Lake, OR, USA
Sailworks Retro 5.5, Bolt 95, MFC Weedfin Wind: 25 20G30 knots
Short session before the wind picked up to 30+ knots average, gusting 35 knots. Could/should have rerigged but was too lazy,cold, and muscles were already cramping from yesterday's exercise, and I had already achieved my goal for the day of topping 30 knots.
Got my first 30.96 knots on the GW052 dial on the second run. As I have been told many times, speed sailing is mental - even in small, less than one foot chop the run got my adrenaline pumping. Kudos to everyone that is in the 35+ category, especially the chop that Roo deals with :) .
Roo commented:
Barton has buggered off in the Hilton RV to the coast to chase PBs....pussy! Could have had flat water here.
Alsosnoff commented:
Barton, I admire your persistence! You've done it! Congrats! :-)
Dean Withrow commented:
Barton... welcome to the 30 knt club!! Congrats my man!
I commented:
Thank you Roo, Peter, Al, and Dean. I squeaked past 30 a while ago but by such a slim margin as to make it really questionable. Today I had two 2 sec runs over 30 (30.429 and 30.254) plus a max at 30.96 so am now willing to say I did it :) .
Roo, well done!
True, I could have had flat water at the Sandbar channel course but then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to be chilly in 65F foggy wind gusting to 35 knots :) . One more day here on the coast then heading home. Next road trip in the motorhome is likely to Hood River now that I'm regaining some confidence.