Saturday, May 22, 2021

May 22 - Lac Bay

Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2018 GA Phantom 7.1, 2015 iSonic 107, Black Project WeedSpeed 38

Lots of weeds.


Friday, May 21, 2021

May 21 - Lac Bay

Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2018 GA Phantom 7.1, 2015 iSonic 107, 2018 Black Project WeedSpeed 38


Thursday, May 20, 2021

May 20 - Lac Bay

Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2018 GA Phantom 7.1, 2015 iSonic 107, Black Project WeedSpeed 38 


Saturday, April 24, 2021

April 24 - Lac Bay

 Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2014 Sailworks Retro 5.5, 2014 JP Magic Ride 118, Ride 40

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April 20 - Lac Bay

 Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2014 Sailworks Retro 5.5, 2014 JP Magic Ride 118, MFC 32

Since I have not exercised in a long time, doing it on the water is hopefully a quick way to get back into shape. But not there yet.

Out of curiosity, decided to sail a board that has been in the garage for about five years now and still in pristine condition. After the harsh ride of the iSonic, this board reminded me of my old Hi-Tech Gorge bump and jump boards. Much softer ride, easier to jibe than the iSonic (duh), and at my slow speeds, essentially as fast as the iSonics. Guess what board has just become my favorite while I attempt to get back into shape?

Monday, April 19, 2021

April 19 - Lac Bay

Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2014 Sailworks Retro 5.5, 2015 iSonic 107, MFC KP 360, 1985 Hi-Tech Carbon Slalom 9'

Two short sessions as the old muscles started cramping. Guess I need to sail more than once every 3-4 weeks... Great to be on the Hi-Tech and was slightly faster on it, if one isn't too critical of the actual speed. 

Great to have a chance to chat with Manouk, the team's newest member and focused speedsailor!

Hi-Tech winds 

ISonic Winds 

Hi-Tech session

Isonic session

Hi-Tech session

Isonic session


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

March 30 - Lac Bay

 Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2018 GA Phantom 7.1, 2015 iSonic 107, MFC KPR360

Monday, March 29, 2021

March 29 - Lac Bay

Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2015 Sailworks Retro 6.5, 1989 Hi-Tech 8'9" Gorge Bump & Jump

Good wind, correct combination for me in ~20 knot wind. Nice comfortable ride nothing exciting. Everything was going well on my first session in over a month until I really struggled on the last run to make it back to the launch area. I knew my skills were declining, but this was rediculous. Once on the beach, I found something to blame for my difficulties  - see image.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Feb 25 - Lac Bay

Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2015 Sailworks Retro 5.5, 8'9" Hi-Tech Gorge 


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Feb 24 - Lac Bay

Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2018 GA Phantom 7.1, 2015 iSonic 107, MFC KP360

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Feb 23 - Lac Bay


Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2018 GA Phantom 7.1, 2015 iSonic 107, MFC KP360, Wind: 17-20 knots