Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10

Lac Bay, Bonaire
21, 25  21,25  4.6 Cam 1  8'9",  8'3" 8'9", 8'3"

Started out optimistic there was enough wind to sail the 8'3", turned out to be probably below 20 knots. Made a run out barely planing across the bay and then slogged back. Came back down wind of the landing area and had to swim the rig in to the beach. Went back out on the 8'9" and had a great session, wind also picked up a little. Then around 1 PM the wind really picked up to about 25 knots. Went back out on the 8'3" and had a great session, FIRST TIME I HAVE SAILED THE 8'3 IN 15 YEARS, even made jibes in both directions. The starboard reach jibes were sometimes  'non-stall' jibes. Flipped sail, sailed reverse foot then switched feet. The 8'3" needs a lot of power to stay on a plane and will fall off a plane pretty quickly in a lull. Wind backed off to about 23 knots and I was nicely powered except if there was too large a lull.

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