Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 11

Lac Bay, Bonaire
22-24   4.6 Cam 1  8'3",  8'4" SVF

Started on the 8'3" with 24 knots ( gusting to maybe 28) well powered to overpowered. This was a good sail/board combination for these conditions. Had enough wind that the 8'3" would stay planing in the jibes. Sailed for about 45 minutes then the wind backed off. Switched to the 8'4" SVF and had some good runs. It sails through the lulls better and stays on a plane longer in the jibes. Spent some time sailing short runs on the far side of the bay practicing jibing. Would have been perfect but the sun was behind clouds and in the section of water that turns milky white due to waves, I could not see the water surface differences so jibing was difficult.

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