Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 5

Bonaire Lac Bay. Neil Pryde EVO 5 7.8, iSonic 107, Drake Carbon 38, Wind: 12 E
Another light wind day so plugged in the race sail to compare with yesterday - definitely more power. Had boom hight right in the middle of the mast cutout. Guessing that I would not have been able to get on a plane with the Sailworks Retro. Spent they day getting more comfortable sailing with arms extended/straight and leaning back more. 
Added treat for the day was when Trevor Hibdige showed up with his drone to take videos of his two sons. The 17 year old was having great fun racing with me because while we were equal in straightline speed he would consistently clobber me in the jibes. Interstingly, he was on a 1999 Mistral SLE board. Anyway, I was surprised to learn that Trevor, who is just learning how to use the drone, had a short video of me, which I posted to youtube at https://youtu.be/ZyS5KJX4BSk . Per the GW-52, I was doing about 22.5 knots at the beginning of the video. I almost looks like I know what I'm doing :)

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