Sunday, June 4, 2017

June 4 - Floras Lake

Langlois, OR, US - Floras Lake
Sailworks Retro 7.5, Goya Bolt 115, MFC KPR-42 Wind: 12G18
Better day today from yesterday. Average wind was a knot or two stronger today (and less holey in the middle of the lake) which made a noticable difference. Surprisingly, the wind was stronger on the east side of the lake with big holes in the jibing area on the west... Wind lasted longer today as well.
As per yesterday, sailing without the fleece top under the drysuit made a huge difference - no overheating and I had better stamina.
Getting comfortable with the Bolt 115 - I like it. When I did catch a gust and was able to 'lock it down' is was a sweet ride. Unfortunately, the gusts were just not big enough to carry any speed when running downwind so I tried, with only marginal success, to work on low-wind jibes. Oh well. Still a good day as the TOW is getting me more comfortable and confident to deal with the conditions Roo described today for Waterfront Park.

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