NP EVO5 7.8, iSonic 107, Drake DW38, Wind: 14 knots. Launched about 3:00, of course...
More time on the water... Checked off one more skill for a situation that was causing me some anxiety. As Roo knows, the huge luff sleeves in the race sails have me pretty intimidated if I'm out in blue water (in the water) and the luff sleeve fills with water, making clearing the sail difficult. A while ago I proved to myself that I could clear the sail but I did it in essentially flat water. Today I dumped it in the middle of the channel with reasonably sized chop (don't know what caused it, just cruising along). I used what I assume is the standard technique which is to swim the mast tip to point directly into the wind. SLOWLY lift the mast tip to start draining the luff sleeve. As it drains, wind gets under the sail and provides additional lift. Once the luff is empty and the sail is clear of the water, standard waterstart procedures apply. Turns out this is actually easier with more wind as it helps with lifting/draining the sail. So, a success for today.
Looks like more wind tomorrow so time to try to regain some jibing skills.
Roo Commented:
Way to go Barton, good to challenge yourself and overcome those fears. Been lots of wind at the coast here but tide totally out of sync. Itching to get back on the water and back you up.
I commented:
Thanks Roo! Don't worry about backing me up, but would like to see you back on the water!!
Oh, Marc van Swoll sailed this afternoon. Been a while since I have talked with him (like all Summer). He won't be posting for a while as he drowned his phone again... I suggested he start double-bagging the phone in a ziplock... Don't know when we will see postings from him.
Taty is going to the Netherlands in a couple of weeks and is already drooling over getting a GW60 watch. He will also be picking up from his inventory an extra carbon boom and Gaastra masts for me
. Haven't talked GPSTC with him recently, will see how he feels once he gets the watch.

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