Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Aug 11 - Lac Bay

Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2018 GA Phantom 7.8, 2017 iSonic 127 Ultra, Drake 44 Wind: 15 knots

Decent winds for this equipment. After watching a training video on YouTube I finally arrived at a way to feel comfortable getting the back foot in the straps on the big board. The training video was taken with a GoPro on the sailors chest pointing at his feet. What caught my eye was that he never tried to put his foot straight into the strap but put it in at an angle. He angled his foot at about a 45 degree angle with toes pointing back. This allowed him to have a larger opening target and then he would rotate his foot and push it into the strap. I tried this and it works like a charm. I don't have to point into the wind now as this technique can be done fast and gives a secure entry into the straps. This makes riding the 127 much more enjoyable because I now don't stress about getting the back foot in the strap.

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