Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jan 10

Bonaire Lac Bay
5.6 Race MR118
Overpowered.  I made the mistake of rigging a sail size too large and then the wind picked up to 25+ mph. I went out anyway, only to discover that this board handles SIGNIFICANTLY different than my old 'Gorge boards'. Water starting was OK after a couple of attempts but getting into the foot straps, especially the back ones took a little learning to keep the board from turning into the wind. Part of the issue was trying to keep from being launched over the front due to being overpowered while trying to figure this board out... I made progress learning and did a few runs fully in the straps and 'locked in' - this board can be FAST and loose because of all the planing area you are on top of the water/chop rather than slicing through it.

My last run I was bearing off the wind a little in order to get back to my launch site and had the %^$#$ scared out of me - got hit by a gust and I don't think I have ever gone this fast on a board, certainly not this fast and so close to out of control  . I clearly have some learning to do...Overpowered.  I made the mistake of rigging a sail size too large and then the wind picked up to 25+ mph. I went out anyway, only to discover that this board handles SIGNIFICANTLY different than my old 'Gorge boards'. Water starting was OK after a couple of attempts but getting into the foot straps, especially the back ones took a little learning to keep the board from turning into the wind. Part of the issue was trying to keep from being launched over the front due to being overpowered while trying to figure this board out... I made progress learning and did a few runs fully in the straps and 'locked in' - this board can be FAST and loose because of all the planing area you are on top of the water/chop rather than slicing through it.

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