Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Jan 13

Bonaire Lac Bay
6.5 Retro MR118
Life for me is good!
Started out on the 5.1 but fortunately the wind died a little so rigged the 6.5 Retro. Also moved the foot straps to their middle position. Had a blast!! Got in some good ‘locked in runs’, even made some jibes (not at speed but at least didn’t fall in). According to the airport wind reading, the wind was about 20 mph while this was happening. Got a nice compliment from a German guy I was sailing with that I was the fastest person on the bay – not saying much since there weren’t a lot of us out – and that was before the pros showed up. One guy was on a 7.9 on his slalom board and he weighs maybe 150 – now he was smoking...

My ‘can I get home’ fear level is pretty much gone now. I’m sailing blue water across the bay. Today, the chop in the middle of the bay was maybe a foot  to 18 inches peak to trough.  Enough for maybe some chop hops in the future.

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