Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Feb 10

Bonaire Lac Bay. Sailworks Retro 5.5, Hi-Tech 8'3 dimpled rounded pin, Hi-Tech 8'4 SVF, iSonic 107, Wind : 19 knots and dropping
Was blowing 23 kts when I was loading up the gear so wanted a shot at sailing the 8'3" and added the rest of the normal gear. By the time I got to the bay the wind was doing its normal afternoon dropoff. Figured the 5.5 might be enough, and it was for a couple of fun runs on the 8'3". I had forgotten how much of a sinker it is so when the wind started to drop, I immediately changed to the 8'4". Got a few more good runs before it became too small and I changed to the iSonic 107.  Got some decent runs with it and it looked like the afternoon wind bump was happening so switched back to the 8'4" but it was very marginal. 
Was fun to watch Taty Frans, Kiri Thode, and Amado making runs on the prototype 2018 Starboard freestyle boards. 

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