Friday, August 25, 2017

Aug 25 - Floras Lake

Langlois, OR, USA - Floras Lake
Sailworks Retro 5.5, Goya Bolt 115, MFC KP-42, Wind: 15G25 knts
After the session yesterday, the sore muscles struggled today, and I always seemed to be a fraction of a second late for every maneuver... Launched at about 2:30 into fully powered, although gusty, conditions. The nice feature about non-cambered sails is that they depower easily, the not nice feature of non-cambered sails is that they can quickly depower in gusty/holey conditions. When I first launched the wind was nicely uniform across the lake but it got progressively more and more gusty/holey. For today's situation, I think I would have been stuggling with an overpowered situation if I had rigged the NX 6.2. Oh well. 
On the other hand, got some much needed exercise and was able to regain my confidence in being able to quickly jam my rear foot into the foot strap when getting up on a fully powered plane. This will make the reaches much more enjoyable not having to fight to get the back foot in the strap.

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