Thursday, February 22, 2018

Feb 22 - Lac Bay

4,312 km
Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands
2017 GA Vapor 7.1, 2015 iSonic 107, MFC KPRC360
Today's postings are the perfect demonstration of the performance of the expert and the duffer. 
Misjudged the wind, rigged too small. Made two runs across with marginal success. Then got suckered out on the tail end of a rain squal and paid the price. Had a good run to the north but the wind faded enough that I struggled to get back to the launch site. This all happened a little after 4 PM. Managed to dump the rig part way back. Not enough wind to waterstart and I'm too feeble to successfully uphaul the race sails. Floated/drifted forever but finally made it to the shallow area where I could beach start and putter my way back. In the meantime, the expert, with the correctly chosen sail size was zipping around having a grand time...

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