Saturday, February 1, 2020

Feb 1 - Lac Bay


Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

2015 Sailworks Retro 6.5, Hi-Tech 8'9", 2017 iSonic 107, Drake 38  
Went out at 1140 on the Hi-Tech and while in the middle I was nicely powered, at the launch and mangroves I was seriously underpowered. Made a run switched to the iSonic 107. Had a couple of good, white knuckle runs to the south - it was suggested that I used too large a fin. I definitely was 'on the edge'.  Stopped for a break and talked with Toni and Daniel. When I was ready to sail again (1430) the wind had dropped to the point where I could not even plane on the 107. Made it to the sandbar, gave up and returned to the launch area.

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