Saturday, January 7, 2017

Jan 7

Bonaire Lac Bay. NP EVO6 7.0, iSonic 107, MFC Weed-34/45degree. Wind: 17G23 ESE up and down
Little By Little: Yippee Skippee, cracked the 2 Sec 30 knot barrier for Bonaire :) . PB for EVO6 7.0 for 2 Sec.
Very short session. Wind was 15-16 when I arrived. Looked like a good repeat of yesterday. By the time I was rigged it had cranked up a few notches to low 20's. Even though I suspected the board and sail were too big for the conditions (for me), I went out anyway. Very bouncy, jarring, hard ride on the northerly tack. Things got exciting once I hit flatter water and Chatty Cathy was singing 29s and 30s in my ears. Unfortunately, the last gust caused the typical, slow motions over-the-handlebars-while-hooked-in dismount resulting in me being slammed on top of the sail. No injuries to me but turns out I put a 1.5 inch tear in the mylar of the sail above the boom. After collecting myself I sailed back to the car, conditions had let up slightly so made another run. Had probably my best jibe to date on the iSonics but swung too wide for it to count in alpha. Was too late in the day to rerig for the conditions plus would really have preferred to just cruise on the Gorge gear at that point... Bagged it early.
Time for a attitude check. I'll never reach Roo's ability level so what am I doing 'white knuckling' my rides across the bay just tempting a crash that could do significant damage to this 69 year old body when I could be enjoying some bump-n-jump fun rides on the Gorge gear? I think my answer for Bonaire is slalom gear in 17 knot winds is fun and 20+ knots will be Gorge gear... 20+ knot winds on FLAT water would also be fun for slalom gear (HR Sand Bar). We will see how long it is before I get sucked back into the 'speed chase' :).

Roo commented:
Congrats on the PB Barton, attitude is everything. You've been pushing yourself this season and that's why you've improved. Time to take a breath, regroup for a while then step back up. No point comparing yourself with anyone else, just try to improve your own PB's. You forget I'm just a crazy old beach bum that loves ripping chop a new one and has bigger balls than brains.

I commented:
Thanks Roo - Good Advice! I suspect after a couple of 'Gorge Gear' sessions I'll start to get bored again... Yes, attitude is everything and sometimes my belt and suspenders are noticeable :) 

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