Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jan 30 - Lac Bay

4,223 km
Lac Bay, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands
2014 Sailworks Retro 5.5, 2015 iSonic 107, MFC KPRC360. Wind: 16-17 knots
Ribs are finally starting to recover to where sailing is tolerable. The jarring of the ribs still gets old very quickly. Hopefully within the next few days I can return to larger sails and start making some progress on jibing.

An interesting tidbit I noticed when comparing tracks with Taty was that he always gets his best 2 Sec numbers at the northern end of the run while mine are in the flatter water on the southerly run. Taty's 2 Sec numbers occur in the biggest swells and roughest water in the bay. I finally concluded that he is using this to his advantage and surfing the swell faces. Sure enough, when I asked him, that is exactly what he is doing. My old brain still has a few functioning pieces left...

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