Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Nov 17

Bonaire Lac Bay. NP EVO 5 7.8, iSonic 90, MFC KP-RC 360, Wind: 17 kts.
Roo, don't panic, Marc sailed today and should have some decent numbers to post :).
I misjudged the wind, big-time, when I left the house it looked like a repeat of yesterday so rigged the 5.8 when I got to the bay. Then the wind dropped off just enough so all I could do was wobble across the bay. Waited for the afternoon wind bump to occur - of course didn't happen today. If I hadn't already talked with Marc and seen him do a couple of NM runs, I would have been in more of a hurry to re-rig.  Finally rigged the 7.8 but was too late in the day, wind was already backing off - for the evening. Managed one run and called it quits.

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