Sunday, November 22, 2015

Nov 22

Bonaire Lac Bay. NP EVO 5 7.8, JP MR118, iSonic 90, Wind: 15 knts
Was hoping that the 7.8 was enough for the iSonic 90 in slightly less than 15 knots - nope. Got a sucker run across the bay and a wobble sail back. Switched to the MR 118 and it was wobble both directions. Waited an hour or so and the wind maybe got to 15, enough for the MR. Sailed a lap or two with Marc - same sail size but he was on an iSonic 118 (?). Being a better sailor with the right size/type board he left me behind each lap. Presently wondering if the iSonic 107 would be enough to get me through these types of conditions... Had aspirations of making a dent in at least one of the numbers to pull us even with the USA-East coast but didn't happen, thanks Huey. Maybe tomorrow...

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