Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dec 13

Bonaire Lac Bay. Sailworks Retro 6.5, Hi-Tech 8'4" SVF, True Ames 9.5", Wind: 19 knots
Good exercise day. Gorge Gear day. Raised boom by about 4" (bracketed by 2nd and 3rd stripes on sail luff) and narrowed harness lines to the width of one hand. Combination made sail control significantly easier - allowed more 'hanging' on the sail in the gusts. Will do this change for the EVO race sails - maybe will make the NP/iSonic setup a little more comfortable in fully powered situations.
Talked with Taty Frans about the iSonic 90. He doesn't like the hard rails and harsh ride - said you need to be a big person (like 200+ lb) for this design to shine. Without the sailor weight the board is very twitchy and wants to be airborne. He is a fan of the iSonic 87. He also suggested the Starboard Futura 90 as a more controllable, but almost as fast, alternative to the iSonic 90. I'll move the mast forward, adjust the boom height and narrow the harness lines and see if these tweaks make the board more controllable in chop.

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