Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dec 2 - Gorge Gear

Bonaire Lac Bay. Sailworks Cam 1+1 4.6, Hi-Tech 8'9" Gorge pintail, Wind: 23-24G26
My irony for the day: we had the strongest winds of the past two months yet I had the best/most comfortable sailing session for that time period. Why? GORGE GEAR :). Sure glad I kept this 20 year old equipment as it was perfect, for me, today. Heavy, narrow glass board stayed stuck to the water. Sail was easy to handle and easy to clear, if necessary, for a waterstart. Down-side: not fast, but that was what I was looking for. Didn't need to be stacked today, especially in the middle of the bay with large chop. Also interesting to me was that the chop was actually starting to become predictable swells deep into the bay - actually gave some relatively smooth water.
Roo commented:
Keep it up Barton, Saturday looks good here for a session at ARooBar. We should be able to get some numbers on the board.
I commented:
Roo, won't be able to come anywhere close to your numbers but Saturday looks good here too (relatively speaking) with a 20 G 24 knot forecast. Should at least be able to get numbers on the board. Hopefully Marc will also be able to sail on Saturday so you will have two backups

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