Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dec 27

Bonaire Lac Bay, Sailworks Retro 6.5, iSonic 90, MFC KP-RC340. Wind: 17G21

Little-By-Little (LBL) is my operational mode. Another set of incremental PB's for the 6.5 in Bonaire in 2Sec and 5x10.

Good session this afternoon. Jibe timing is improving so % completion is also improving. Felt confident enough in the jibes and waterstarting to venture some runs more 'off wind' on the southerly runs. This reminded me a lot of the run-out area on the Hood River Sandbar with small but manageable chop and still decent wind before going into the wind shadow of the mangrove trees. The run-in to the area (about due West of the sandbar) has some pretty hairy chop to run over from behind but once past that area it is 'lock-in and go for it time. Kind of a combination of HR Waterfront Park and the HR Sandbar. Obviously this area will get significantly more use by me. If I can feel confident here, I stand a chance this Summer on the HR sandbar.

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