Saturday, February 4, 2017

Feb 4

Bonaire Lac Bay. NP EVO5 7.8, iSonic 107, Drake carbon slalom 38. Wind: 12G15 ENE
Mellow day, wind took the afternoon off. Got in a few decent runs when the wind was sort of blowing. Spent some time watching Amado and Oda doing some foiling. Amado has it nailed pretty well. I think this may have been Oda's first session. They were using Oda's Severne Reflex 7.8 sail. I went out for a couple of runs while Amado was foiling. On the run back to the launch area he jibed in front of me and then got it up on the foil. Speed-wise we tracked pretty closely.
Eric and Johanna from Germany are back for three months. They are Phys Ed teachers with a 2-3 year old and a very young one. Last on Bonaire in the Spring of 2015. 

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