Hood River Waterfront Park, Hood River, OR, USA
Sailworks NX 7.8, Goya Bolt 125 liter, MFC KPR_44, Wind: 15G23 knots
Had difficulty staying focused today, mind was on non-windsurfing issues.
Decided today was the perfect day to try out the new Bolt 125 and Sailworks NX 7.8 race sail - and it was. Spent considerable time dorking with the adjustable outhaul (first time I ever used one) even though Bruce Peterson of Sailworks had it already mounted on the boom. Spent some time trying to dial in the NX 7.8. Also spent time trying get the MFC fin to fit properly. Since I didn't have any sandpaper I eventually gave up and sailed with a marginal fit. Finally hit the water a little after 2 PM shortly after the wind bumped up, so I didn't get to sail the kit in the conditions for which I purchased it. That said, it worked very well. I downhauled the sail per Roo and it was nicely controllable even in the gusts - very happy with it. The Bolt handled just like its smaller siblings except it coasted better through the wind shadows. Jibing will take some adjustment from the smaller Bolts - that said, I think it will jibe very nicely when I'm more aggressive.
I spent some time practicing clearing the water out of the luff sleeve of the sail while swimming. Not nearly as difficult to do as on the Neil Pryde EVO sails because the luff sleeve is considerably smaller - thus less water to get rid of. This smaller luff sleeve is why, per a certain unnamed individual, that the NX sails are slower than Pryde and Gastraa. This coud be true but for this LeisureWorld geriatric sailor on a FreeRace board, it has more potential than I do. Seemed to have plenty of power located in the sail where I want it and was very controllable in the gusts. The waterstart practice paid off when I dumped a jibe in the middle of the river. No problemo. Sail cleared and waterstarted with ease.
Once I proved to myself that this kit was a keeper and will be excellent for conditions on Floras lake and lighter wind Gorge, my focus drifted again so I bagged it.
Roo commented:
I will no longer be known as Roo, I am just an unnamed individual!
I commented
Was just trying to keep two alpha males from being upset
Was just trying to keep two alpha males from being upset

Roo commented:
Almost as easy as herding cats. Wouldn't worry about it Barton, just go windsurfing....it's blowing out there. Should be another gorgeous Gorge day. I'm heading east again, should be windy out there.
I commented:
Roo, knock of that NM, have fun. See you when I see you.
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